Obesity Surgery

Obesity Surgery

Excess weight and obesity are becoming increasingly common problems in today’s world because of lifestyle changes, unhealthy eating habits and the excessive consumption of what is called “junk food.” People who are concerned about their excess weight and the way it affects their health and longevity try to reduce it through diet and exercise. There are 2 problems with this approach:

  • It does not work for everyone or the results are only partial
  • Often the weight that is lost is regained once the exercise and diet regimen stops.

Obesity surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is a medical procedure performed to help individuals who are severely overweight or obese lose weight when other weight-loss methods have had limited or no success. These surgeries alter the digestive system to promote weight loss by restricting food intake, reducing nutrient absorption, or both. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), only about 1% of people globally who would benefit from this procedure actually have it done. Appreciating the need to provide people with medical options for weight reduction and control, Prashant Hospital has a dedicated team of highly qualified doctors and surgeons to provide the best medical solutions to excess weight and obesity problems.

The Objectives

The primary goals of obesity surgery are to:

Reduce food intake

Reduce food intake

Some procedures limit the amount of food a person can eat by creating a smaller stomach pouch or restricting the capacity of the stomach.

Decrease nutrient absorption

Decrease nutrient absorption

Other procedures change the way the digestive system handles food, leading to reduced absorption of calories and nutrients.

Bariatric surgery does not only result in reducing obesity. It also treats other medical conditions such as cardiac disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, severe acid reflux and more.

Types of Surgery

Types of Surgery

There are various types of bariatric surgical procedures. At Prashant Hospital a patient first undergoes a detailed medical examination and the medical history is reviewed. This will reveal other medical conditions or hereditary factors that may be causing obesity. Detailed pathological tests are also done. Once the doctors are satisfied that bariatric surgery is in the patient’s best interests, the decision on the specific surgical procedure is taken. At all stages of the process, you will be informed of what is happening and why this particular type of bariatric surgery is right for you.

Who Needs This Surgery?

Who Needs This Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a suitable treatment for those who are severely overweight or obese and for whom other methods of weight reduction have not been successful. Studies show that 90% of those who undergo bariatric surgery lose up to 50% of their excess body weight. And, equally importantly, the weight loss is long-term.

Till recently bariatric surgery was seen only as a cosmetic procedure. However today, according to the ASMBS, bariatric surgery reduces the risk of death from many often fatal medical conditions and ailments, including but not limited to:

  • Cancer – 60% lower
  • Diabetes – 92% lower
  • Heart disease – 40% lower

With the obesity issue out of the way, patients report that that they feel much more energetic, are able to do things that they have not done in years and feel more mentally alert and positive. The overall improvement in the quality of life leads to improved professional performance, more productive social interaction and more satisfying personal relationships.



Patients typically have to spend a few days at the hospital after the surgery to monitor their recovery and be given medication to control any pain and discomfort. Once the doctors are satisfied with the progress of the recovery you will be allowed to return home with instructions of post-operative care, special exercises you may have to do and medications to take. Follow-up visits to the hospital will be required until the doctors are sure that your recovery is complete.

While obesity surgery can be highly effective in promoting weight loss and improving obesity-related health conditions, it is not a guaranteed solution and requires a significant commitment to lifestyle changes, including dietary modifications and regular exercise, to achieve long-term success. At Prashant Hospital all your questions will be answered and you will be given all the information you need on this subject. When you are fully informed, you will be able to work with the doctors to ensure that the best procedure for the best outcome is chosen.