Liver Transplantation

Liver Transplantation

If you have been diagnosed with end-stage liver disease or liver cancer, a liver transplant is usually the best and most effective treatment option. In its simplest terms liver transplantation is the removal of a diseased liver and its replacement with a liver from a deceased person or part of a liver from a healthy donor. Since the liver is an organ that is able to regenerate itself, the partial transplant will develop into a whole liver for the recipient and the donor’s liver will grow back to its normal state.

Conditions That Require Liver Transplantation

The Surgery

Liver Surgery

Hepatectomy, the removal of the whole or part of the liver, is a major procedure and because the liver bleeds a lot, a technically demanding one. The surgery is a long one that can take anything from 6 to 12 hours. Once the operation is over, you will need to stay in the hospital for approximately 3 weeks and then continue your rehabilitation at home. If you want to know more about the procedure and technical issues involved, the best source for this information is the doctors at Prashant Hospital.


After the surgery, you will be in intensive care for a few days during which time your condition will be closely monitored and the functioning of the new liver evaluated. You will be connected to various IVs during this time. Once your condition has stabilized the IVs will be removed and you will be moved to a recovery room or ward where you will stay for a few weeks while the doctors monitor your progress. You will be on various medications during this time.

Once the doctors decide that you no longer need continuous monitoring, you will be permitted to go home. You will be given a list of precautions to follow and medications to take. Frequent blood and other tests will be done to check on liver functioning. After a few weeks, your stitches will be taken out. Typically, patients are able to return to work after about 2 months and then gradually start other normal activities.

Post Transplantation Life

Liver Surgery

After a successful liver transplant, you will be able to return to almost normal life. There are various precautions you will need to observe and medications that you will have to keep taking for the rest of your life. These will be immunosuppressants. Your metabolic system will “see” the new liver as a foreign object and try to attack it. The immunosuppressants will act as a shield to protect the liver from attack.

Any organ transplant procedure is a major one and the risks attached to the procedure and the recovery cannot be ignored. That said, liver transplant surgery has made immense strides over the last few years and the recovery rate of those who undergo transplant is continually rising. At Prashanth Hospital patients in need of liver transplantation surgery will find the best transplant surgeons, medical technology and post-surgical care facilities. We understand that besides the physical problems, those undergoing liver transplant surgery and their families suffer from mental and emotional stress and we provide them with the support they need to gain the psychological strength that is an important part of successful recovery.